Friday, September 14, 2012


Because rambling endlessly and showing off my admittedly lame accomplishments are two things I deeply enjoy, I thought it was high time that I started a blog cataloging my various craft-themed escapades! Before, whenever I'd stick a clothespin on an old tuna can and call it art, I'd have to make up some contrived, obscure connection to physical activity or health so that I could brag about my ingenuity (or ability to copy simple things I see on Pinterest) publicly on my fitness blog.

Uh... tuna is good for your heart! And... um... by reusing this can,
rather than throwing it away, it helps the environment...
which makes running outside easier on the lungs?
Is anyone buying this?
But now, I can drop the weird pretenses! Get ready for tutorials on extremely complex crafting concepts, such as:

Stapling things together!

Thumb-tacking things to walls!

Using hole punches!

Ripping up paper!


Wait... that's not right...

And, of course, putting toothpicks in things!

And yes, that's bacon.

I'm looking forward to it, and I'm hoping you are, too!

Oh ho ho! Isn't crafting just grand.


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